Analisis getaran bebas sangat penting dilakukan karena dapat membantu mengetahui karakteristik suatu struktur seperti frekuensi natural (ω) dan periode getar struktur (T). Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui hubungan secara analitis antara massa lantai yang dipusatkan sebesar 1,5 massa pada suatu taraf lantai tertentu yang lebih besar dari massa lantai lainnya, pada 10 model gedung lantai 10 terhadap simpangan antar lantai akibat getaran bebas tanpa redaman menggunakan metode kekakuan. Dari hasil analisis peroleh bahwa semakin tinggi lantai struktur maka semakin besar frekuensi natural dan semakin kecil periode getar struktur tersebut, dan juga semakin tinggi letak massa lantai terpusat maka semakin besar pula simpangan antar lantai yang terjadi. Terdapat tiga kondisi perubahan periode getar lantai tiap pemodelan gedung, yaitu yang pertama pada lantai 1 tiap model gedung, semakin tinggi massa dipusatkan maka semakin besar periode getar lantai 1 pada tiap model gedung, yang kedua pada lantai yang ketinggiannya setengah dari dari tinggi gedung, periode getar struktur akan berubah naik turun tiap satu perubahan pemusatan massa, dan yang ketiga pada lantai 10 tiap model gedung, periode getar terbesar berada pada model gedung yang pemusatan massanya berada pada lantai yang ketinggiannya setengah dari tinggi gedung.
Free vibration analysis is very important because it can help determine the characteristics of a structure such as the natural frequency (ω) and the vibration period of the structure (T). This research was conducted to determine the analytical relationship between the floor mass centered at 1.5 masses at a certain floor level which is larger than the other floor masses, on 10 models of the 10th floor building against the drift between floors due to free vibration without damping using the stiffness method. From the results of the analysis, it is found that the higher the floor of the structure, the greater the natural frequency and the smaller the period of vibration of the structure, and also the higher the location of the centralized floor mass, the greater the deviation between floors that occurs. There are three conditions of change in the vibration period of the floor of each building model, namely the first on the 1st floor of each building model, the higher the concentrated mass, the greater the vibration period of the 1st floor in each building model, the second on the floor whose height is half of the building height. The vibration of the structure will change up and down every time the concentration of mass changes, and the third is on the 10th floor of each building model, the largest vibration period is in the building model where the concentration of mass is on a floor whose height is half of the building's height.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ricky H. Dakabesy, Jusuf J. S. Pah, Dolly W. Karels
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