Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui hubungan antara distribusi massa dinding geser jenis core wall secara horizontal terhadap simpangan struktur bangunan tingkat tinggi. Model Gedung yang dianalisis berupa gedung berbentuk segi empat dengan 40 lantai dengan ukuran 25 m x 25 m. Model terdiri atas 13 variasi yaitu model G1, model G2, model G3, model G4, model G5 model G6, model G7, model G8, model G9 model G10, model G11, model G12, model G13..Hasil penelitian ini bahwa pengaruh ketersebaran dinding geser terhadap nilai simpangan bahwa setiap penambahan satu spesiman dinding geser dapat mempengaruhi nilai max drift. Pada model dengan jumlah dinding geser yang sama namun mempunyai posisi yang berbeda maka akan memperoleh nilai max drift yang berbeda. Nilai max drift arah x dari max drift terkecil yaitu model G1 kemudian kelompok 2 dinding geser core wall setelah itu kelompok dinding geser 2 core wall yang digabungkan dan untuk arah y dari max drift terkecil yaitu model kemudian kelompok dinding geser 2 core wall yang digabungkan setelah itu kelompok 2 dinding geser core wall.
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the mass distribution of core wall type shear walls horizontally to the structural deviation of high-rise buildings. The study used a rectangular building model with 40 floors and dimensions of 25 m x 25 m. The model consisted of 13 variations, including models G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, and G13. The result of this study is that the effect of the distribution of shear walls on the value of the deviation that each addition of one shear wall speciman can affect the max drift value. In models with the same number of shear walls but have different positions, they will get different max drift values. The maximum drift value in the x direction is from the smallest drift model, which is model G1 Next is the group of 2 sliding core wall panels, followed by the combined group of 2 sliding core wall panels As for the y direction, the smallest drift model is followed by the combined group of 2 sliding core wall panels, and then the group of 2 sliding core wall panels.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gerry J. Manafe, Jusuf J. S. Pah, Dolly W. Karels

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